How to Map Network Shared Drives on Macs & PC's
Departments that continue to use the EFS Drive usually will need instructions on how to map the EFS ( shared network folder) to their GU computers. The department group administrator is responsible for adding users to the shared group in Active Directory, to allow them access to the department shared drive.
Mac OS
Macs OS
1. Click Command(CMD) + K, or, click Go and click to Connect to Server
2. Type in server address for example, //phoenix/efs123
3. Click Connect
4. Enter GU netid and Password
Windows 10 OS
1. Connect to SaxaNet(if onsite) or your WiFi(if remote), then connect to the VPN
2. Open a File Explorer window
3. Right click on 'This PC' from the left hand menu
4. Choose 'Map Network drive'
5. Choose drive letter
6. In the folder bar, type the phoenix drive path, for example, ‘\\phoenix\efs123’. Or type in the enhanced share path,. for example, \\uis-fs-dept\
Check 'Reconnect at sign-in' box.
7. Click the ‘Finish’ button
8. When prompted, for the username, enter georgetown\[yournetID] and your GU netID password, (if connecting remotely) and click enter
9. If onsite, enter your netid and netid password
Open File Explorer from the taskbar or the Start menu, or press the Windows logo key + E.
2. Select This PC from the left pane. Then, on the Computer tab, select Map network drive.
3. In the Drive list, select a drive letter. (Any available letter will do.)
4. In the Folder box, type the folder or computer's path, or select Browse to find the folder or computer. [\efs2]
5.To connect every time you log on to your PC, select the Reconnect at the sign-in check box.
6. Select Finish.